Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Congratulations Ashley

Today is a exciting day for Ashley. She has finished high school. All the hard work of summer school has paid off and Ashley has graduated from high school and now it is off to college. We are very proud of you sweetheart and we look forward to what the Lord has in store for your future. Enjoy the rest of the summer and Congratulations!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Cindy

Today is a very special day. It's my dear friend Cindy's birthday. Cindy is the kind of friend that you can call anytime when you need her. Cindy is one of the best moms that I know. Cindy works hard for her family. She loves her husband and her boys. I admire how she has stood by her family through think and thin. Cindy's son has special needs and you would not even know it because she takes such great care of him. Cindy sacrifices her own personal desires for the sake of her family. Cindy is one of the people in my life that by example she has made me a better person because I know her. Happy Birthday Cindy!!!!! We pray that you will have a day as special as you are to so many. We Love You.` (in case you don't know Cindy is the one on the left).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Last Fling

Well, it has been a very busy summer. The Todd family has been blessed with lots of wonderful opportunity to travel. As of Thursday we will leave for our last trip. We will be heading to Portland Oregon for a week. We will be traveling with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Rodney and his family. This will be Paige's first time on a airplane. She is very excited. We are looking to some close family time, and will post pictures when we return. We pray that everyone has a safe and happy week. When we get home we will be getting ready to start school.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Leftovers Can Be Fun

Over the weekend we had ordered Chinese food and as you know you always have too much food. In our household we always have too much rice and usually end up throwing it all out. This week I became convicted about being so wasteful so I decided to make rice pudding and to my shock and surprise it turned out pretty good. So if you have extra rice around the house this is how I did it.

Baked Rice Pudding

2 large eggs
1/2 cup of white sugar
1/4 teaspoons of salt
2 cups of milk
vanilla (optional)
2 cups of cooked rice
1/2 cup of raisins (I prefer the white ones)
Dash of nutmeg
Whipping cream

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs and the sugar. Add the scald milk to the mixture. Add the desired amount of vanilla. Add the rice and the raisins. Sprinkle nutmeg over the top and stir. Bake in a 1 1/2 quart baking dish. (*bake in a inch of water). Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream if desired.

Enjoy!!! This is Yummy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

OK That is Just Gross

Today started off to be a very interesting day. Ashley asked me to take her to get some clothes for the Youth Conference, well by the time we figured out that we only had a day to get this done we were in a hurry. Well, if you have ever gone shopping with two toddlers and a teenage girl you know what a challenge that this can be. So I had a perfect solution. I would pull up to the Christopher&Banks (our favorite store for clothes) the kids and I would sit in the van and Ashley could go in buy herself and try on clothes in peace. All was going well with that plan until it happened. PAIGE HAD A MAJOR MAJOR DIRTY DIAPER. That would have been OK, except we had run out of the house so fast that I had not brought the diaper bag. OK mom think what are we going to do? I went searching through the van looking for anything resembling a baby wipes. Thank goodness I found an extra pull up under the seat of the van. But no baby wipes . How can any mother in her right mind not have a box of baby wipes? Well then it hit me. What are baby wipes, water and wipes. So with a stiff upper lip I graped the only thing that I had (the Febree's spray and napkins from Wendy's). I sprayed and wiped her bottom as best as I could and I wiped as quickly as I could. It was not the ideal baby wipes but it got the job done. We now can call her Febree's baby. OK a mom's got to do what a mom has to do. Needless to say the very first thing we did when we got home was gave Paige a bath. Now that is just gross.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

This and That

Well it has been another busy week at the Todd household. My son had a wonderful time at camp this week. He learned to box (with full head gear), he learned that he can stay away from home for short periods of time with out dying, and he thinks he now knows where he is going to college. All in all the week was a great experience for both mom and Quin. Sunday after church Quin and his dad will be leaving for the Todd family camping trip. This is neat because Grandpa Todd and all three of the adult Todd boys and their sons get together once a year for a weeks vacation. They go camping or fishing or both and every year the location is different. This year they will be in Indiana.
It seem every time that my husband goes out of town something breaks down. Well he is leaving tomorrow and my kitchen sink is broken. I sort of need water in the kitchen sink. So my dear poor husband as I am blogging he is replacing the kitchen faucet. I'm excited about having a new one it has been broken for quite a while. I'm also thankful for such a good husband who wants to make sure that I have everything that I need before he goes on his trip. I think just the girls are going to get away for one night while that boys are gone. We have had a busy week and a busy summer. We hope all is going well for everyone. Ta Ta for now

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July. As we celabrate our county's birthday we need to remember the men and woman who sacrificed their lives for the freedom we enjoy. So much more we need to remember the sacrifice our Lord Jesus Christ gave for us when He died for us on the old rugged cross. Thank Lord for all you have done for me. Thank America for all you have done for me. Happy Birthday America. God Bless the U.S.A.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good Friends are Hard to Come By

Last night I had to privilege of having dinner with a good friend. We were able to try a new Mexican restaurant in the area. We had a BLAST. We laughed, we talked, and we cried. Cindy you are the BEST. It was a blessing to spend special time with you. You will never know what a help you have been to me in soooooo many ways. I love you guys. Thanks for every you do and everything you are. It was a good day when the Lord brought you in to our lives. Thank You Lord for good friends.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Keith

Today is Keith's birthday. Last night we had a few neighbors over for a steak dinner to honor Keith's birthday. We are thankful to have good neighbors and Christian friends. Ashley had a blast preparing a dinner for her dad complete with chocolate cake. Happy Birthday Keith. We hope you have a great day.