Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is Cute

Today in History we were talking about World War II and Adolph Hitler. The book said "In April 1940, Germany attacked and defeated Norway and Denmark. In May, Germany defeated the three small countries of Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Then Germany invaded France and defeated her." With a very serious look on his face my son said
" Mom did Hitler defeat Peter Pan?" If Hitler came up against Peter Pan who won? "Quin what are you talking about. He thought that the Netherlands was "Never Never Land" It is so cute. I love homeschooling.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Great Big Thank You

My little four year old daughter is so blessed. She was given a gift of a life time. Paige has done nothing but play with this sweet little doll house since last Saturday when a wonderful friend from church gave it too us. Paige and I want to thank Karen Groose for her wonderful gift. Some times some one's junk is your treasure. Karen YOUR THE BEST!!! We love you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is Sweet

Today at lunch my heart was so filled with overwhelming love. Justin the little guy that I take care of Tuesdays and Thursdays asked Christ to be his personal Savior. My son Quinten lead him to the Lord. Quin did a great job with the Romans Road and Justin is the first person that Quin has been able to take through the entire process. Justin is 5 years old and fully understands what happened. It was so cute after Quin was all done Justin said, "Quin I just have one question? Does Jesus have a dog in heaven?" Justin has always wanted a dog and he needed to know if heaven had a dog if that was where he was going to spend forever. Justin so sweetly got saved. I'm very thankful for a husband and a church that taught my son to be a soul winner. Praise the Lord!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Night of Family Fun

Today was just one of those days where everything went wrong. At 5:30am we lost power in the house and my poor husband had to take his morning shower at work. And school was not as successful as I had hoped. It just seemed like every thing that happened all day long was going wrong. I had a doctors appointment, which is never fun and we had family situations that needed to be handled. But the Lord gave our family a special blessing, we had a opportunity to go to a Harlem Globetrotters basketball game and it was so much fun. I love how the Lord always has a way of giving us just what we need on the not so perfect days. Today had a lot of "little" things go wrong, but a lot of good things happened too. This little basketball game was one of the blessing of the day. We went with the marvelous Bob and Cindy. Zack and the children get along really good and Bob and Cindy are wonderful people to spent time with. On the way home we listened to good Christian music and I was reminded weather we are having a good or a bad day, the Lord is in charge of both. The day did not start out so good. However it ended good with good friends and good Christian music. My Pastor always says "It's not how you start, it's how you finish." Well today I finished well. Thanks Bob and Cindy and thank you Lord.