Monday, January 8, 2007

Busy and Productive

Mondays are busy days at the Todd's. Paige usually has speech and Quinten has a full day at school. New book to read, new spelling list and so forth. Today Paige is still not feeling up to speech and because she just wants to be held we did not get as much school done as we had hoped. I had a doctor's appointment of my own during nap time and I came home to a very special treat. My mother and father-in-law were at the house measuring my basement. We are just about to finish the other side of the basement for Quinten's bedroom. Construction is about to begin. It will be alot of fun. Lots of food and coffee will be avaibile at my house through the whole project. Come on by.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the Paige still isn't feeling well and that you didn't get everything done that you wanted too, but there is always tomorrow to catch up. It will be very exciting when you get the basement finished. I can't wait to see it.