Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A Dinner Suprise
Posted by Kris's Korner at 2:52 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Histroy is Fun
Today in history we studied to Colonists. It was so much fun. We learned about life in those days. There different kinds of homes depending on where the home was located. We learned about how the colonists stored food and how much different they lived then we do. Did you know that colonists went to school six days a week? We learned about the copper (barrel maker), the silversmith (modern day jewelry store), the apothecary (drug store), we also studied the joiner (cabinetmaker), and the cobbler (shoe maker). Life was so different in the colonial days. Quinten and I both really enjoyed this unit. We are making a horn book. This is a thin piece of paper on a piece of wood with a sheet of animal horn which you could see through. This is what the children used to practice their reading. Everything on the horn book rhymed. It was interesting to note that all the things they would read was from the King James Bible. We also are putting two pieces of paper on the window, one with oil and one without to see which one you can see through the best. There is so many fun things to do when you home school. We Really enjoy History.
I wish I had a picture of this post , but if it's not on my camera then I don't know who to do it. Help Trish or Julie or someone.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 3:09 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 26, 2007
Everything has Happened
What a day it has been. I thought that Mondays were supposed to be a quiet day. ( OK whatever). Today has been so crazy. Paige has decided since her surgey ,that 5:30 am is a good time to start her day. That would be OK except that God is going to get upset with that because 6:00am is Mommy and God time. We are trying to figure out when mommy can be alone with God (without interruption). Nap time has a lot of interruptions . If anyone has any good ideas please let me know.
Letter of the day is "E" well her goes...................
EVERY THING I am thankful on days when I accomplish everything I set out to do.
EXTRA SPECIAL I have extra special friends . I also love to feel like I'm extra special (especially when is come to my husband)
EGGS The one thing Quin makes for himself
ETERNAL LIFE Acts 16:31 Praise the Lord I'm saved
ENORMOUS amounts of love
END the end of the day when I'm tired
Last night my husband asked me to make him a Gina roast. If you have never had a Gina roast you are really missing out. Gina makes to best roast in the world. So my dear friend came over after school to show me how to do this roast. As most of you know when Gina comes over you had better not be tired because she is going to work you hard at organizing. So we were able to get rid of everything that we don't need. That is wonderful because the Amvets is coming over. We now have bags of clothes to pass along and toys for children who have less than we do. Thank you for all you do for me Gina and thank you Lord for EXTRA special friends that help you do EVERYTHING that needs to be done. Well 5:30am and your favorite almost two year old comes early. Thank you Trish for "E" words and thank you Lord for good friends.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 11:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 23, 2007
Last Few Days
Things have been crazy the last few days. My brother and his whole family have been sick. Gina's mother fell on the ice and broke her ankle and If that is not enough I have infection in the bone in my jaw. The Lord has been so good to us this week in spite of it all. Paige had her surgery today and she is doing great for the most part and we are blessed. I feel much better from my root canal and other then being tired life is great. Thank you to every one who prayed. I 'm very blessed by wonderful friends. More to come later.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 5:35 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Maple Syrup Day
Posted by Kris's Korner at 3:21 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 19, 2007
Happy Birthday
Posted by Kris's Korner at 11:05 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord for making me a Mommy. We had the privilege of watching Adam (Rodney's baby). He is so cute. Quinten wanted to feed him so bad, after lots of begging I gave in and let him feed the baby. Quinten was excited until he realized how heavy his little head is. Quinten said "Adam you have too many brains your head is too heavy" You need to help me hold up all of your brains.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 8:56 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Sweet Fellow Homeschooler
Toady was a full busy day and there is so many little things to get ready for tomorrow. Between birthdays and homeschooling events and diaper bags to pack I just hope I don't forget anything. Anyway in the middle of school today I was grading a Phonics Test and I had a real brain cramp. Have you ever done something like that? You know the answer in your head and you are probably looking right at it, but you just can't find it. Of all things to forget a phonics "rule" (after all the drilling we do on the rules of phonic it's weird for me not to know that) . I of course called Gina ,but she was also giving a test and did not answer the phone. I then called the sweet, wonderful, giving , loving Debbie B. she said she doesn't teach phonics rules (some people do others don't) but she would go on line and get back to me. Not only did she get back to me but she found what I needed. That is just the kind of person that Deb is even though she has a lot to do and is teaching herself she ALWAYS has time for other people. I thank you deb your time and effort it means a lot to me. God bless you LOL
We are all excited about the Young Author and Artist Night at the church tomorrow night . I'll tell you a secret. Quinten has written and illustrated a book about he and his cousin being a "fearless" super hero. My mom would make up these stories when the kids were real little. This time Quin wrote his own story. This has been a lot of fun getting ready for, I'm sure it will be a great night. I took pictures of his book but I have been told that the book is a secret until it's "unveiling " tomorrow night. Thank you Pastor and Miss Julie for all your hard work in preparing this evening for us. WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! We will post pics later. Stay Tuned
Posted by Kris's Korner at 9:16 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
More Valentines Day
Posted by Kris's Korner at 10:18 PM 3 comments
Valentine Surprise
I had a Valentine surprise today. My Sweet Sister came over with lunch in hand. What a fun surprise. We enjoyed our visit. I took a picture of her "red society" socks. That is a riot. One of the reasons that I love Linda so much is her sense of humor. If you hang around with Linda you will not be discouraged. She loves life , loves the Lord , and wants to please Him. It's exciting to watch Linda grow in the Lord. What a blessing Linda has been in my life. Thank you Linda for lunch and for being such a great Christian friend. I pray God will bless you in a special way for your kindness. I want to take Linda's example and be a good Christian to others. Happy Valentines Day to everyone.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 3:00 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Lots of Snow means CLEAN
Today was cleaning day at the Todd's. I went to the up stairs bathroom to clean the shower and I was shocked how clean it was. I LOVE my scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner. It took me half the time to clean the shower today. It was a good day. We didn't care that it was snowing. After school we cleaned the upstairs. I love the house after it has been deep cleaned. Daddy surprised us and came home at 1:00 (because of the snow). As I was posting my son came over to the computer and said "Oh mom you are blogging about your new toy". I guess it is a new toy I never thought about it. I just Love my new toy and everyone needs one for every shower that they have. I'm making HOT homemade soup for dinner and I think it is the perfect day for it.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 4:31 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
More "C" words
After my Bible reading had coffee this morning I thought of a few more "C" words. I can't believe how much fun this is.
Coffee-warm and yummy in the morning or anytime
Creamer- really good in the coffee and in lots of flavors
Chocolate- How could I forget some thing so good
Creation- Think about what a awesome God we serve He spoke and all this beautiful world appeared
Crayons- what would this world be like in black and white?
Cotton Candy- great at the fair
Considerate -something I try to always be
Confidence- without it we would get nothing done
Comet- just what you need to clean the kitchen sink
Clean -what I do for my family
Construction- Hard to do but very rewarding when finished
Control- something I need to practice today or I will not get anything else done
Posted by Kris's Korner at 9:49 AM 3 comments
Letter of the Day "C"
With Trish being out of town I thought I would post my letter of the day. It is Monday you know. My letter today is "C".
Christian- I'm thankful for a Christian Husband and Christian friends and my own salvation.
Candles- I admit I love them in the winter I have one burning ALL the time.
Comfort- it a good thing when you need it
Cuddles- lots of fun especially when your cold
Candy- soft and sweet
Claims- with out men to stand on Biblical claims where would my like be
Convictions- I'm thankful for a church that stands on convictions
Church- I LOVE MINE with all my heart
Children- I have two beautiful ones who I love very much
Carrots- wonderful things (when your on a diet)
Correction- it has made me who I am today
Caring- I love it when I need it
Calling- Listen to God's calling in your life
Carmel- something I REALLY enjoy
Catsup something our house better not run out of (Quinten)
Comics- fun to read in the paper
Catch- when the boys play out side and you catch kisses inside
Communication- something every marriage needs
Calculator- saves time
Conclusion- this was fun I think I'm done
Think about the letter "C" today
Posted by Kris's Korner at 6:33 AM 3 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Step Back and Watch
It's only Sunday afternoon and WOW!! The Lord has done so much already today. Words can not begin to expressed how much I have learned this weekend. We have had a maintenance problem in our home for the past week. The problem has made me physically ill and frustrated. My husband (who I love dearly, and is a wonderful man in so many ways) did not know how to fix it. He would say when I would mention it that, he didn't have time or he would get to it when he could. (I'm not sure I got 70% on this one). I think I handled it better than I would have BEFORE we came to Grace , but I know I could have done better. This morning as we were getting ready for church I told the Lord that I was not going to say nothing, I was just going to pray. When the morning service started my husband was in the right place at the right time. Jeff was taking to him about the usher schedule when the church had a similar problem as the one we had at home. At hand shaking time my husband came to me and said" I need to help Jeff and Bill with something I will be back for the preaching. When we got in the van after church my husband said to me" Could you sit in the care with the kids before lunch I need to run into to Home Depot and pick up a few things My heart inside quietly jumped for joy could it be that he was going to fix our problem? When he came out of Home Depot he could not stop talking about what a nice guy Jeff was and how Jeff had told him how to fix our problem. He said he really got to know Jeff and he enjoyed working along side of him. As I type this my WONDERFUL husband is fixing our problem and he is gaining the confidence to work on more projects around the house. I'm very thankful for Godly men in our church that allowed my husband to help them fix a problem and gave him the information he needed to get our job done. Mr. Prodehl and Mr. Lindahl thank you for your example and for your Godliness even durning a problem. Even though my husband missed a very good sermon he learned how to be a good handy man. Now that he is a handy man his score is 110% and I have to say ladies I did marry the perfect husband, the perfect father, and the best man in the whole world. Now if in the future I could just learn to shut up every thing would be fine. THANK YOU LORD FOR ANSWERED PRAYER and Thank you Lord for my husband.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 4:20 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007
A Pampered Day
I t has been a wonderful weekend The Valentine's Banquet last night was incredible. It had good food, good fellowship and good preaching. After the banquet my husband and I went for coffee and had a wonderful time together. Because the evening was going to be so late my mom kept the kids over night and we had the whole evening to ourselves. This morning the Lord tested me on how to be a help meat (I think I passed ). My husband was up and out of the house by 6:00am to make pancakes for the Men's prayer breakfast and my mom still had Paige. I got up made coffee and did my Bible reading and then headed for my own personal spa. With my warm vanilla sugar scrub on my arms and legs. My apricot facial mask and my cumber eyes. I sunk down in the tub with bubbles as high as they would go. Let's not forget the six candles that I lit all around the tub. The house was all my own and I was not being bothered by anyone. Not even the dog. And then the phone rang, I thought to myself "oh I should just let that go" I did I let it go into voice mail. Not two seconds later the cell phone rang.. "What do I do someone must really need something. I got out of the tub and answer the phone it was my husband. Well now comes the test. I got out of the tub and returned to being the help meet God had call me to be. "Honey what do you need?" He was in a hurry he had backed into a tree in the Lidndahl's driveway after dropping the boys off from the breakfast. He had to drop off Mr.Kuipers and pick up his daughter from my mom and be at the Motor Vichele place by noon (it's now 11:00am). I jumped out of tub threw my clothes on, got the paper work that we needed and jumped in the van wet hair and all. In the mean time Gina called to ask about this pretty robe that the Ladies of Grace were going to pick up for Juile. We ran as fast as we could to the Motor Vichele place and they were closed. (President's Day) When Sam got out go the van he saw tht the tail light from hitting the tree was broken. It has been a busy but productive day. All the dry wall for the basement has been delivered (thanks Mr.Lindahl). The new tail light for the van has been ordered and the Pampered Chef lady has come and the party is all closed. Bill and Gina just called and we are taking the kids out to Country Buffet for dinner. What a busy but fun and productive day. Thank You JBJ Construction for all your hard work.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 4:29 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 9, 2007
Funny Boys
My dear friend Gina called me today and said" I have something for your blog". I just love Gina we share funny stories all the time. If your ever really down call Miss Gina, she will lift your spirits. In Gina's house everything is done decently and in order. To save time and money they all use the same deodorant and they have a spay can. This way every one in the house can use to same can. Gina was teaching and she smelled strong body odder and she knew that this was not from herself. Of course, it had to be one of the boys. The boys at Gina's house are trained at around eight years old to use deodorant. Gina asked the child that was sitting next to her to raise his arms. She had found the problem. Young man go take a bath and put on deodorant. After a few minutes the child came for the bathroom with "white cake" under his arm pits. He was actually doping white cake stuff all over the floor. "Oh My what have you done "Gina could not help but ask . After she noticed the huge mess he had made she told him to go back into the bathroom and shower off all the goop. Gina found she even had to clean the bathroom floor. Gina then realized that her son had gone a few weeks with deodorant. I guess he was making up for lost time. I am very blessed to have a close friend that has boys a little older than my son so that I know what I have to look forward too. Thanks Gina for sharing your life with me. Love Ya girl .
Posted by Kris's Korner at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Praise the Lord . Rodney just came from the doctor and he will go back to work half days and then hopefully full time next week. What a blessing the Lord answers prayer.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 4:11 PM 3 comments
Maple Syrup Yum Yum
Come one come all. I'm so excited I have set up the new Homeschooling field trip for February. We are going to Pilcher Park to learn how they make maple syrup. I can't wait. I was worried about this because of Paige's surgery but the Lord just has a way of working it all out. When I called the best date they had available for us was February 20th. That is the week before Paige's surgery. Paige has surgery on the 23rd. PRAISE THE LORD . I just love how God always has a way of working it out. I feel ashamed of myself I get all worked up and if I would just sit back and let the Lord work it out I would be much better off. So here are the details : We will have pancakes for lunch at Plicher Park at 12:30 and then we will learn how to harvest maple syrup and enjoy all the animals that they have there. The cost is$6.00 per student and $4.00 per adult. We will meet at the church at 11:45 and will be finished with the tour by 2:30pm. I will need your money by February 18th. I look forward to this and hope to see you there. Thank You Lord for working out the details of our lives.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 3:30 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
What a Creator
Posted by Kris's Korner at 7:53 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 5, 2007
More Monday Fun
Tonight we had a unexcepted surprise. I had to chance to meet and spend some time with two very special people. After piano lessons and dinner I had the privilege of spending lots of "very special" time with Chris and Emily. They are two of the neatest kids. Chris, Emily, Quinten and I went to the library. Paige and daddy stayed home. We had so much fun at the library. Then Emily and I made chocolate chip and m&m cookies for the guys. We all cuddled up under warm blankets and watched old Pink Panther cartoons. We had plans to drink hot cocoa in front of the fireplace but we ran out of time. I really enjoyed getting to know my two new friends. Talking about things they enjoy doing and being truly blessed by the Godly way they are being raised. Mylan and Trish are raising children with a heart for God and a heart for others. Some times the best evenings are the ones that are not planned. Thanks Trish for allowing me to be with your wonderful kids for a great evening.
Posted by Kris's Korner at 11:02 PM 1 comments
Monday lots of Fun
Posted by Kris's Korner at 4:37 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Little Things Can mean so Much
Posted by Kris's Korner at 10:27 PM 3 comments
Saturday, February 3, 2007
A First Time for Everything
Friday started out to be a very different kind of a day. I got up in the morning planning to go to Bible Study only to find my face swallowen. I realized that my month hurt quite a bit. I quickly called the dentist and looked for someone to watch my children. Because my mom was taking care of my brother so I had to ask my husband to take off work. He is such a wonderful man he came home and took care of my kids so I could go to the dentist. I found out that I have a abscessed tooth. I have to run ten days of medication and then I get to go for a root canal.. Doesn't that sound like fun. I took codeine and decided that I had given my word to the Pampered Chef girl therefore we would go ahead with the party. I didn't really enjoy having company while in pain, but I guess there is a first time for everything. I now am experimenting with medication to control the pain. Linda and I have planned to sing a special in the evening service on Sunday. Please pray that I will be able to keep my word on that as well.
I am thankful for wonderful Christian friends. I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the wonderful Christan ladies who have been so kind to check on me and to show God's love, especially Miss Julie what a blessing to have a Pastor's wife that cares so much for her ladies. We at GBC have the best Pastor's wife in the whole world. I Love you Julie. I can't wait to read the new post for" mommies" on the churches web page. I love GBC and I will be in my place and ready to serve the Lord at the best church in the world Sunday morning unless the Vikaden has me under the table watching the room spin. It times like these you appreciate your life and all the blessings God has given you. I have a great husband, a good mother, a wonderful church, sweet children and the best Pastor's wife in the world. What more could a girl ask for. THANK YOU LORD!!!!
Posted by Kris's Korner at 8:12 PM 5 comments
Thursday, February 1, 2007
A Day Off
Posted by Kris's Korner at 2:38 PM 5 comments