Monday, February 12, 2007

More "C" words

After my Bible reading had coffee this morning I thought of a few more "C" words. I can't believe how much fun this is.

Coffee-warm and yummy in the morning or anytime
Creamer- really good in the coffee and in lots of flavors
Chocolate- How could I forget some thing so good
Creation- Think about what a awesome God we serve He spoke and all this beautiful world appeared
Crayons- what would this world be like in black and white?
Cotton Candy- great at the fair
Considerate -something I try to always be
Confidence- without it we would get nothing done
Comet- just what you need to clean the kitchen sink
Clean -what I do for my family
Construction- Hard to do but very rewarding when finished
Control- something I need to practice today or I will not get anything else done


Anonymous said...

You are too funny. It is nice to think about thinks we are thankful for.

Anonymous said...

Oops! That should say things we are thankful for not thinks ~ sorry.

Debbie said...

We starting doing this everyday and the kids love it. Our letter was "T" today. Beth wrote "the Todds". I thought that was so sweet!