We have had two full days of fun. Friday morning while the homeschoolers were on their field trip I had a full house of toddlers. We had a blast!!!! We had my daycare boy Justin (he's three) and then we had Kim and Matthew Slone. In addition we had Hannah and Jackson Woltz and of course the biggest handful of them all Paige. Five little people under three. It was so much fun everyone was good and I hated too see them all go home. I was able to get a little bit of running around done after dinner. It was a day full of fun.
Today was Gina's birthday and I am very thankful I was able to take her out for breakfast. We again went to Nicky's Cozy Cornor. We have decided that this is what we will do for years to come. It turned out neat because we both have birthdays on Saturday this year. My wonderful husband had to work overtime today so my children went and had dinosaur pancakes at grandmas and we went to the restaurant right by grandma's house. After breakfast I came home and deeply cleaned my house. I just love my house when it's clean. It makes my want to have company. After daddy came home we ran errands and had family night. Popcorn and old movies night. The kids are in bed and the house is clean and quiet. I just LOVE it. Daddy said in a few minutes we will light the fire place and have hot tea (just the two of us) Thank you Lord for a few nice days. Another little blessing Paige said BIBLE for the first time today. I'm going to light the fireplace and some candles and end or day peaceful. Ah ah
So glad that you had a good day and that Gina has such a good friend in you (of course, so glad that Kim and Cheri and everyone else has such a good friend in you too!).
i had a blast thanks for the fun day & peaceful evening.
I'm glad that you had a good weekend so far. It's exciting when little people say new words.
That was nice of you to keep Cheri's kids so she could take the older ones on the field trip. I'm sure it was a blessing to her.
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