The entire Todd household is so excited!!!!!!! Quinten has struggled with riding a bike with out training wheels for several days. Tonight after dinner he mastered it. We are all so excited. Quinten has worked very hard on this and we are very proud because he never gave up. I know he wanted to but his dad taught him that we can't give up. Quinten now has the taste of working hard at something and having it succeed.. Sam took Quin to a hill and taught him to balance the bike going down the hill and then he could master the roads. It was so cute Quin said to my husband "Dad if it were not for you I never would have learned to ride my bike. Thanks dad I love you" That really touched my heart. I am so proud of Quin for not giving up and for riding a two wheel bike on his own. I 'm thankful to my husband who loves his son enough to take the time to help him master the task. I love my wonderful family. We had a great time celebrating and Dairy Queen.
I found the neatest thing this week. It was only $12.67 and it will save lots of money in the long run. We are now the proud owners of a Overil Redenbocker microwave popcorn popper. This little toy is so neat because you can use regular cheap $1.00 a bag popcorn and a heathly oil and for pennies you have the same as the package popcorn. This popcorn taste better, it's cheaper and it is better for you (no trans fat). Even though I better not it makes me want to have popcorn every night.
WTG Quinten on your riding your big guys bike and loved that popcorn, it was good, Thank You for sharing it with us, (((((HUGS)))))
Hooray for Quinten!!!
Way To Go Quinten!!! The popcorn popper sounds pretty neat. I have a stove top popper~~~the kind that you crank the handle that I love. I like the fact that you control how much oil and salt are used.
way to go.
Yay for Quinten! Now he'll want to be riding all the time! And just in time for the nice weather! Congratulations!
That popcorn popper was real nice,
& the popcorn itself real tasty.
thanks for sharing it. Tell Quinten I said Good Job. Look forward to seeing you soon.
Yea! Quinten!!
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