Saturday, March 17, 2007

This is cute

A friend of mine gave me a cookbook for my birthday. It is the best cookbook I have ever seen. It's called Church Suppers. It has all the homemade recipes of all the little old ladies across the country and it is the best. Here is one of the "Cute" recipes in that book.
Measure 3 cups of flour in a large bowl
Answer the phone
Take large bowl of the baby's head; sweep the floor
Measure 2 cups of flour into a large bowl; add 1/4 cup of shortening.
Answer the doorbell
Wash shortening from baby's face and head; add 1/4 cup of shortening to flour
Mix well; rock crying baby about 10 minutes
Answer telephone
Put child in the bath tub and scrub well
Scrape flour and shortening from floor
Mix just enough tears to relieve tension
Open a can of pork and beans and serve with remaining strength
This was sent in by Nell Hammett from Wellington Village Assembly of God
in Little Rock, Arkansas
I wonder is there a hidden camera set up some where in my house.


Anonymous said...

That is a riot! Finally a real mothers cookbook!

Trish said...

That sounds like a good book!

Anonymous said...

Too funny!