Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Question Game

1. What was your most embarrassing moment?
When I was in high school I went to camp and went bike riding on a busy road and I fell off the bike (because the seat was too high)and personal things fell out of my back pack . My male friend that I was riding with did not know wether to direct traffic or help me pick them up. At the tender age of fifteen I thought that I was going to die on the spot.

2. When you get to heaven some day what will you ask God?
I know we can't be married in heaven, but could I please have a mansion close to my husband's

3. What is your favorite color?
Purple or lilac

4. What is your favorite food?
If popcorn is food and not a snack I pick popcorn

5. What do you admire most about your husband?
He is a peacemaker and a great provider

6. What is your biggest fear or phobia?
My biggest fear is that the Lord will take my husband before He is ready for me too.

I tag Kina and Trish and Karen


Kim said...

I'm with you all the way on the popcorn- if we can eat it- then its food. I also liked all your
other answers as well.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Nice to learn more about you. Glad you got your washer fixed before it burned the house down. Wouldn't that have been a story!

Mrs Karen G said...

I did this, I did this, HAHAHA, gotcha, HEHEHE, Love ya, LOL, HUGS

Love reading about you , your sweet.