Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fun at the Brookfield Zoo

Monday we went to the zoo. We were all so excited. Daddy took the day off , we graped cousin Kimberly and off we went. It was a very hot day, but the zoo was so much fun that no one seemed to care. Thank You Miss Kim for the free passes you are so sweet to share them with us. Here are some pictures to share with you.

It is a busy week at the Todd house. Daddy will be taking us to Six Flags Great America after soulwinning on Saturday. This is the yearly company "family day" at Six Flags and daddy is required to be there. Quin is very excited about this weekend. We need to be at the park by three o'clock. It will be a very busy day.
Tomarrow we have a play date as well. I'm thankful my house is caught up today. The rest of the week is bust. I hope all is going well for everyone. I look forward to getting caught up on the blogging world.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back ~ We've missed you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've had an exciting week so far.

Kim said...

Your Welcome! Glad you all got to enjoy a fun family trip.

Debbie said...

I am glad you had fun. Love the pictures!!