Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fireworks Fun and Friends

This morning I called my friend Dawn with a prayer chain request. We were dicussing fourth of July plans and she invited us to see the fireworks with them in downtown Joliet tonight. When we arrived downtown it was so packed with people and the street that she told us to meeet her on was closed. We didn't think that we would ever find them and we decided to just go our own way. Just as we turned the corner my husband said "look there are a bunch of ladies standing on the corner in jean skirts". We had found them. We had so much fun. They are such a sweet family. The odds of us finding them in that crowd was very slim but God allowed us to be together. Thank You Lord. The best part about it is we got to see the fireworks with one of our preicious Sunday School kids, Amanda we love you. Thank you for watching this years fireworks with us.


Debbie said...

How fun!! I am glad you found them and enjoyed your time together.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good 4th of July. Glad that you found them and had fun together. said...

Aw! What cute pics:)