Sunday, July 1, 2007

Help Blogging Buddies

Well I have something I have been a little discouraged about for a while. MY HAIR!!!!!! Does anyone have any ideas????? Here are my limitation my husband wants it to stay long. He doesn't want it cut at all (but I may need a trim). It is so flat and so long and so blaa blaa. I'm a desprate friend looking for any ideas on what to do with this hair. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has felt like this. I'm open to suggestions. Maybe I'll just pull it all out.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Confusious Wife says, "Don't pull your hair out, bald looks much worse than blah."

I say go to Walgreens and look through hair magazines and then ask Denise if want you are interested in is possible :)!

JeanMac said...

Your hair looks gorgeous!

Linda's Sunny delight said...

cut your hair short then buy a wig. any color any style and any length.The problem with thatis it starts to itch really bad. Then remember how beautiful you really are and so is your hair. love you

Debbie said...

I like the pulling it out part... just kidding, but I know what you mean!!

Yep. I agree with Julie. Look through some magazines. If you are getting adventurous enough you could search styles online via Google.

Kim said...

How many hair stylist do you know? I know of three, get there oppions 1st and work from there. I for one like your hair, and think you should get just a trim.