Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Lord Spoke to ME

This week we went to the Ladies Spectacular in Hammond. What a blessing to be a part of something so special. There were so many things spoke on that it would be hard to type it all. Mrs Jenkins spoke about being in the hand of God. I know I will never forget that I am loved by my God and that He keeps in the palm of His hand. I think sometimes ladies allow Satan to convince them that they are nobody. I have been so guilty of this at different times of my life.

Another speaker, Mrs. Cindy Schaap she spoke on respecting your husband. I know this is an area that I often can improve on as well. She said that you can NOT fear the Lord if you disrespect your husband. Every woman wants to fear the Lord.

Belinda spoke on "WHO IS YOUR WHO" we all have influences in our lives and they help make you who you are. I can think of a lot of people that have had an influence in my life. One of the most resent is Mrs. Julie Fink. Julie has taught me both by her words and her ex sample how to walk with the Lord. She has taught me how to be the wife and mother God has called me to be. She has encouraged me to be a soul winner and to stay faithful to the things of the Lord. Julie has always seen the good in me even when I have felt that I wasn't so good. Julie has been a dear friend and very faithful Pastor's wife. Thank You Julie for taking me to the Ladies Conference and thank you for being a "WHO" in my life. My life has for ever changed for the good because of your influence.

There were many people saved because of the spectacular. I wish each and every one of you could have been there as they were announcing the salvation that had taken place DURNING the conference. I think that was the biggest blessing of all. I could not help myself as they were reading those names the tears began to flow and I had a hard time stopping them. The Lord used this conference to reach MANY people for the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful week and a real time of refreshment to my soul. I love the Lord. I love my church. I love my Pastor and his very special wife. Life IS good and it has been a great week. Next week our family is going to Camp Joy and we can hardly wait.


Trish said...

It was such a good conference this year and I am glad that you got to go!

Kris's Korner said...

I'm glad that you had a great time~ and it sounds like alot of wonderful women spoke. I'm happy your home safely.

Kim said...

Oops, that was me that commented on the above, I absently forgot I was on Kris's blog and just thought I would give it some clarity. Kim

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

It was such a great conference and I'm so glad that we were able to go together. Thank you for such kind words. You are a blessing and you have so much gold glittering in you that it is not hard to see at all! Love You!

Debbie said...

I am glad that you had such a good time. I love the glasses!!