Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Balance What is That

If anyone knows what balance means would they please in form me. We have struggled the last two weeks with mastering balance. There is always so many things to do. Do I teach or clean out a closet? Do I write the list of thank you notes or return the list of phone calls on the desk? Do I finish the book I'm reading or the mending project I started last week? Do I encourage my friend or take that much needed nap? Do I vacuum or dust? Do I make soup or casserole? Do I play with the kids or rake the leaves. It just seems like this week I have had a hard time balancing anything. I know I don't have any more to do than any one of my dear friends. I think of friends that have six or even ten children and I only have two. I ask my self why can't I balance. I try so hard and it seams that the harder that I try the more I fail. I know I do better on the days I'm in my Bible and I seem to do better on the days I'm not as tired. But even when I'm in the Bible and I get enough rest, I still don't think that I master BALANCE. If anyone has any schudule ideas or masters this please let me know?????????


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Of course you know I would love to help you with your schedule, routine or whatever you need. We can talk about it Sunday if you would like :)!

Debbie said...

I was just gonna say, hmmmm who has this down..JULIE!!! She has wonderful ideas and it has helped me a lot and I can see things that I need to change myself now too.

Kim said...

Your headed down the right path!! and your not alone. Love ya.