Thursday, February 28, 2008


This is so cute. Paige has had a real hard time sleeping in her big girl bed. She was ok in the bed for about two days and after that she wanted no part of it. We have tried everything to get Paige to sleep in her big girl bed and all she does is cry and cry (baby bed mommy). Today my friend came over and Paige told her that there were "bugs" in the bed. Now, anyone who knows me knows that NO BUGS of any kind are welcome in my house. Nothing that crawls unless they came from the church nursery, is welcome in my house. My friend suggested that we spray "sparkle" spray in Paige's bed to spray the bugs away. I sent Paige and Quin to her room to clean it up and as I did the insurance company called and I was on the phone for a few minutes. While I was on the phone my two little darlings went into my room and got my Bath and Body Works body spray and proceeded to spray all the sheets and Paige's entire room with "Warm Vallina Sugar." Now let me tell you that you can have too much of a good thing. Not only are there no bugs in Paige's bed but she can't sleep in it for fear of a asthma attack. I guess this goes to show you can have too much of a good thing. Ha Ha Ha