Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ladies Conference

I know that I'm a week late on this post, but now that the computer is working I can tell everyone what a blessing the conference was to me. The conference was wonderful. The fellowship was great and the lessons were priceless. I learned how to have a happy spirit and to stay out of bitter ville. Miss Julie was the best speaker as always. She talked about the meaning of the name Mara (which means bitter). She talked about Ruth and what her name means. Ruth had a lot to over come, but she stayed true to a bitter mother-in-law and she was greatly rewarded in the end. I think some times having the privilege of being under Miss Julie all the time I take for granted what a blessing that she truly is to all of us. Julie really shined at the conference and it made me love and appreciate her ministry all the more. I was blessed by all the testimonies and I'm thankful that I had a chance to get to know everyone a little bit better. It was a GREAT conference and I love GBC. Thank you to Pastor and Julie and the Grace Baptist Church for all that you have done for me and my family and for all the work that you put in to the Ladies Conference. The Lord really spoke to my heart about a lot of things and I need to make many changes in the days ahead.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Kris!

Debbie said...

I think it is so easy to just expect people to do things because they "always" have. It is such a blessing to have Julie teaching us and this was a great compliment to her, Pastor and our church.

Kim said...

Glad to hear things are going okay~ I had a great time at the conference. Sorry to hear about the computer problems.

I'll be praying for you!!
Take it easy.!!!