Friday, September 5, 2008

Kids Are Sometimes So Cute

This was so cute I just had to share it. This morning in our devotions we were John 1:1-10 and Quin asked a question. "Mom, if God made all things, did God create Satan?" I then told him that at one time Satan was an angel. We then turned to Isaiah 14:12-17 and talk about Satan being cast out of heaven. Satan can not be in heaven because of sin. That is the same reason that we can not be in heaven. Without Christ shed blood there is no remission of sin. Quin then said " So Adam and Eve are responsible for KFC and Mcdonalds?" I then said I didn't follow that train of thought. He then explained that in the garden there was no meat. Without sin there was no sacrifices or killing of animals and we never would have had Quin's two favorite restaurants. I think I laughed for ten minutes.