Monday, October 6, 2008

A Weekend to Remember

WOW what a weekend is has been. Friday night at our local church was our monthly ladies meeting. This month was "A Taste of Missions" and boy was it fun. We heard from a dear sweet newer lady of our church who grew up as a missionary and she gave us all a new appreciation of missionaries. Some of the things that she said just broke my heart. I don't think people realize the sacrifices missionaries make to take the gospel around the world. I know I was motivated to do more for our own missionaries. The food was fabulous. A great big thank you to our hospitality team. We could not have done without you. Friday night was lots of fun and I was convicted to do more for the missionary families that our church supports. If you missed it you missed a great time.
Friday and Saturday we had a garage sale at our friends Bob and Cindy. We had lots of success at getting rid of a lot of stuff and making money too. On Saturday afternoon our Pastor treated all the church nursery workers to a very nice lunch at the Olive Garden. Thank you Pastor that was fun. On Saturday evening we celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday.
Sunday morning was a REAL blessing in my life. In Sunday School the Holy Spirit put his finger on a certain sin in my life. This was on of the most eye opening experiences of my entire Christian life. It is something I will have to work on daily because I have been buying in to this sin for many years. I want so much for this area in my life to improve. You know, we except our husbands to get over the pain in their past. We except those we love to get over the past. We except our older children to get over their experiences. Now the Lord is excepting ME to work on my sin. I will have to examine my life daily until I brake this sinful habit. All though it is not going to be easy I know the Lord can use me in special way when I conquer this bad thought pattern. Now that I know that it's sin I plan to work on fixing it. I am thankful for a Sunday School teacher bold enough to teach the truth. I thankful for a church that takes a stand. And I'm thankful for a weekend to remember.


Kimallen said...

It sure is amazing how the Holy Spirit works. I will be sure to keep you in prayer Kris.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Love You! So glad you sold a bunch of stuff at your yard sale, and thanks for all your help at the ladies meeting. It sure was inspiring!

Sharon said...

Praying for you dear. I love when Christians aren't afraid to say what is a sin. It is so helpful to know even what we consider a "little sin".

Kim said...

My haven't you been busy!! I'm glad the garage sale was both fun and a success., and by the sounds of it I missed a great sunday school session, Keep up the good job on working out your sins.