Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ladies Missionary Society

Tonight was our Ladies Missionary Society meeting. I had the privilege of hosting it in our home. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the ladies to the missionaries and to give them a chance to pray for them together. We also prayed for the needs of the church and the church staff. We prayed for some of the church senior saint and shut-ins too. This was such a neat meeting. We had faithful seasoned Christians, and young adults that were baby Christians that were not even sure what a missionary was. It was such a blessing to see the baby Christians pray out loud for the first time. Seeing new Christians grow in the Lord is one of the most exciting things in the world to me. I was very blessed to see how excited everyone was and I look forward the next meeting. Serving the Lord is so much fun!


Cindy said...

It was a wonderful meeting. I really enjoyed our group. It was nice to take time to learn about the missionaries and pray for them. Thanks you for opening your home to us.

Kim said...

Thank you for opening up your home and having us. I didn't know what to expect, and I was excited I got to take part, and I too look forward to next months.