Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is Sweet

Today at lunch my heart was so filled with overwhelming love. Justin the little guy that I take care of Tuesdays and Thursdays asked Christ to be his personal Savior. My son Quinten lead him to the Lord. Quin did a great job with the Romans Road and Justin is the first person that Quin has been able to take through the entire process. Justin is 5 years old and fully understands what happened. It was so cute after Quin was all done Justin said, "Quin I just have one question? Does Jesus have a dog in heaven?" Justin has always wanted a dog and he needed to know if heaven had a dog if that was where he was going to spend forever. Justin so sweetly got saved. I'm very thankful for a husband and a church that taught my son to be a soul winner. Praise the Lord!!!