Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Day Off

I have been in bed for almost two days with a migraine headache. My father-in-law was working on the pluming in the basement and he was mending the pipes together and the smell sent me to bed. Tomorrow is my Pampered Chef party. There is something about a group of ladies coming to your house that makes you want to clean. Paige is getting better and mommy is trying. We have had a off week in school. Quinten has worked a little bit each day, but we are looking forward to playing catch-up next week. I'm looking forward to the weekend. We have Sunday School (We have changed the things we have in our bin and it lets us travel lightly Yea). Then Linda and I are singing in the Pm service and then the birthday fellowship. We will also clean Grandma Edith's house and then Friday is Bible Study and Pampered Chef at night. There is no time for a migraine headache. We took care of Adam (Rodney's baby) this week here are some pics.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

The baby has gotten so big! I'm so sorry to hear about your headache. I was hoping to attend your PC party, and then my husband reminded me that we have to go to Indiana. So sad!

Curly said...

I used to sell Pampered Chef. I love the products and now I have a kitchen full of it. I didn't make any money as a consultant because I bought new stuff with my profits. My husband has forbidden me from ever going into sales again and that is a good thing. :)

I hope your head feels better soon! I'm still praying for your family.

Thanks for your comments on my blog. That was really sweet.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, I'll pray for you. I was planning on coming to your party then I realized it was the first Friday of the month. Jacob has Cub Scouts on the first and second Friday nights each month so I won't be able to attend. said...

Hello my friend! Isn't he darling!!!

Debbie said...

He is so cute. I hope you are all feeling better soon!