Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Dinner Suprise

Last night was so fun. About 3:30pm the phone rang and it was Bill asking us if we wanted some of the world famous GBC third place title chili. Have you ever known my husband to turn down any one's chili. NEVER. Dinner was good the fellowship was great. After dinner Bill grabbed his Bible and we all sat around the table as he read. It was all I could do to hold back the tears. The Lord has done incredible things in the Lindahl family. We knew the Lindahls before they came to GBC and it tickles me heart to see what the Lord has done in the Todd and the Lindahl families. GBC your ministry is not in vain. God is doing a mighty work here in our church. It's exciting to watch the Lord work in peoples lives. Thank you Lord for all you have done for my family and for our good friends the Lindahls. Thanks for the Great chili Bill, and thanks fro having us over. We can have the chicken that I planned for last night tonight.
During dinner last night my cell phone rang and it was Leslie. Her Grandmother passed away last night. She was her caregiver and it is up to Leslie to prepare the funeral. So after dinner I spent the rest of the evening helping her find pictures and things for the funeral. It was a good day I was blessed by friends and then I was able to be a blessing to a friend. Thank you Lord for another good day.


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet how the Lord is working! I am sorry to hear about Leslie's Grandmother but I am thankful that she has you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you had a nice dinner and fellowship time. I'm sorry to hear about Leslie's Grandmother, I will keep her in my prayers.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Tell Leslie that I will be praying for her. I'm glad you had a nice time with the Lindahl's!

Debbie said...

That is a nice story. It is a blessing how the Lord is changing all our lives. I am sorry about Leslie's Grandmother; I will pray for her.

Anonymous said...


Looks like you have good friends!!
I remember the years of home schooling and being youthful. Cherish these days. They do pass.
