Monday, February 12, 2007

Letter of the Day "C"

With Trish being out of town I thought I would post my letter of the day. It is Monday you know. My letter today is "C".

Christian- I'm thankful for a Christian Husband and Christian friends and my own salvation.
Candles- I admit I love them in the winter I have one burning ALL the time.
Comfort- it a good thing when you need it
Cuddles- lots of fun especially when your cold
Candy- soft and sweet
Claims- with out men to stand on Biblical claims where would my like be
Convictions- I'm thankful for a church that stands on convictions
Church- I LOVE MINE with all my heart
Children- I have two beautiful ones who I love very much
Carrots- wonderful things (when your on a diet)
Correction- it has made me who I am today
Caring- I love it when I need it
Calling- Listen to God's calling in your life
Carmel- something I REALLY enjoy
Catsup something our house better not run out of (Quinten)
Comics- fun to read in the paper
Catch- when the boys play out side and you catch kisses inside
Communication- something every marriage needs
Calculator- saves time
Conclusion- this was fun I think I'm done
Think about the letter "C" today


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Thanks for giving us an "inspiration" for the day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving the letter of the day.

Trish said...

Thanks for doing the letter for the week! I'm glad you picked C. I am thankful for Comrades, like you and all the wonderful friends that God has given me!