Monday, April 16, 2007

Letter of the Day"F"

It is still Monday and even though it's late I must get the letter of the day done while it is still Monday. I have many post to finish and lots of catching up to do but here we go:

FOREVER- my marriage is forever Thank You Lord

FIVE- one of my favorite ages

FISHING- my husbands favorite thing to do

FORGETTING- I'm thankful the Lord "forgot my sins"

FORGIVING-I 'm thankful for forgiving people

FORD- that's my faithful old van

FRENCH FRIES- not good for my but YUM YUM YUM

FROSTY- tastes great

FAITH- where would I be without it?

FIFTY- a golden age

FORTY- there is like after forty and different life but still life

FEELINGS- what makes me who I am

FINGERS- very useful tools

FRIENDSHIP- with out friendship the world would be a lonely place


Kim said...

Like the list.

Trish said...

You are now oFFicially the Letter of the Week person! Thank you For doing it while I was in the hospital, and From now on. I am thankful for Faithful Friends like you!