Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Shelter in the Time of Storm

I just want to Praise the Lord for good friends in a time of need. As we were going to bed on Thursday night we heard what sounded like a gun shot outside our bedroom window. As the loud noise sounded all the power in the house blacked out. The rain was coming down so hard and so fast my husband and I both ran to the basement and started bailing water. Because we had no sump pump we found ourselves getting up and bailing every hour all night long. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, because when we lose power we lose everything we lose water ( we are on a well and septic) we lose toilet and of course lights.
Friday morning the kids and I "checked in" to a beautiful bed and breakfast called Lake Lindahl. The water from the creek behind Gina's house was so high that we were calling it Lake Lindahl. Josh was actually able to put a fishing boat in the water. You should have seen the way he floated that boat in the water. Being a house guest at the Lindahl is like staying at a five star hotel. I felt a little guilty when Gina brought me coffee at my bed side this morning. We checked in to the motel at 8:30 a.m. Friday morning and we checked out on Saturday after soul winning. I have to say I was not thrilled to see the power go out(for 48 hours)but it sure was fun to move in with such a good friend. I can't describe how thankful I am for such a great friend. Thanks to Bill for the use of his generator no food was lost. Gina I love you. Your the best!!!!! Thank you so much. Well the power is on and I have to get ready for Sunday. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Praise the Lord for good friends like Gina & Bill! I'm so sorry that you were out of power so long. Hope everything is ok.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your power is back on and that you didn't lose anything due to the power outage. I hope you enjoyed your stay at Lake Lindahl. Gina and Bill are the best.

Kim said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your stay w/ the Lindahls. Sounds like it was lots of fun ( did anyone take pics?) for it sounds interesting - given Josh had a boat in the back pond. I'm glad your home safely and didn't lose any food. Thank you Gina and Bill for taking such good care of a great friend.

Debbie said...

I am so glad that you have such a great friend!

Anonymous said...

Lake Lindahl ~ sounds nice, Are they taking reservations? I'm glad you had such good friends willing to help.

R. L. Evans said...

That is so great you have such a good friend in Gina!!! Good friends are a great treasure from God! Gina is such a blessing!