Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Strike is Over

Last Sunday night I sat down to update my blog and after 45 minutes of typing I was logged off and not able to post. The Bible says that at some time you will became offended, well it's official my computer has offended me. I have forgiven the device and I'm now back to blogging. So many things have happened since my last post I could not possibly post it all.

Quinten left for Oregon on Thursday and returned on Monday. I cried my eyes out the whole time he was gone. Everything went well and he is home safe.

Paige is talking more and more. I'm so very thankful the Lord choose to give us a girl. I just love the pony tails and the dolls and all the pink and purple. She LOVES to fold laundry and help unload the dishwasher. I can't believe how big she has become.

We had a wonderful date last Friday and I miss the time we have alone. The dates we get the best. We went to Pop belly Sandwiches. Yummy

Quin was talking to Trish about meeting Patch the Pirate. Quin's life long goal is to meet Patch the Pirate and to go on the Jolly Rodger. He is so cute about it. He had 2000 question all about the encounter I pray we get a chance to do that before he is too old to be excited about it. He asked my husband if he had ever met Patch the Pirate my husband said he did when he was 19 years old. Quin then wanted to know how old I was , When Sam said "That would have made me 13" Quin thought that was so funny. He said "WOW" "Patch the Pirate must be like 100 years old." Kids are so funny. I guess it's all prospective.


Kim said...

I'm glad to see your back!! and that Quinten is at home. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

It's good you didn't hold a grudge :) We missed your blogging. I'm glad Quin had a good trip and is home safe. Little girls do love to be helpful ~ I'm seeing much of that. It's nice that you and Sam do date nights ~ Sometimes they make all the difference in how the week goes.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Glad things are going well. I was excited when I met Patch the Pirate last year too!