Thursday, April 17, 2008

Old Old Old Old Yes I'm getting old

Well today one of my biggest fears have come true. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I need glasses. I now need glasses for reading. Maybe it's the computer work or maybe it's because I'm over 40 years old. Or maybe the Lord is trying to humble in His own little way. I can't see my Bible as well as I used too. Forget trying to see my cell phone key board. It has been a big month for getting old first I color my hair and now I ordered my reading glasses. Girl friend, as you pray for me please pray I grow old gracefully.
On a better note. I'm thankful to my mother who bought me a chi machine. It's a machine that moves your legs and feet back and forth in a swimming motion. This is designed for lack of blood flow to your feet. and alignment of your back. I have been "passive" exercising and I feel great. You can look at the machine at I love the fact that I'm exercising and my feet look great. Well, we have a Science Fair project due this weekend and my son needs the computer. Ta Ta for now.


Kim said...

Your a nut!! Having to wear glasses doesn't make one old!! and since you let the cat out of the bag~ those that read this blog will remind you so at church. HaHa.!!! So you see I will eventually see them.

R. L. Evans said...

Glad that the machine is working! Reading glasses aren't that bad - you can get some really stylin' ones! Angelina keeps on talking about going to Paige's house...hehehe...she had a great time!

Debbie said...

You are funny. I am glad the machine is working well.