Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Favorite Things

I have a list of favorite things that mean a lot to me. Our friend Trish suggested I do this so here it is:

*spending time in my KJV Bible.
*writing in my prayer journal (going back and seeing answered prayer)
*Hand woven baskets (all over the house)
* hot chocolate on a cold night
* our fireplace on a cold night
* good smelling candles
* body sprays and lotions
*bond fires at the neighbors
*cuddling with my kids
* serving in my local church
*English muffins with peanut butter
*long hot bubble baths
*Shaklee skin care
* my new Bible bag that I take to church
* pretty note cards
*warm blankets
*my ladies Sunday School class
* the ladies ministry at my local church
* homeschooling my children
*snuggles with my husband
*My blog
* getting my nails done with Ashley
* coloring and doing play dough with Paige
* reading Millers books with Quin
* eating out ALONE with Sam
* being used of God to help someone that is hurting
* a fresh clean house (even if it only last 10 Minutes)
* spending time with close friends
* Christmas time

Wow!!!!! All this add up to a great life. I love the Lord and I love my family. I love my church and I am truly BLESSED!!!!!


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I loved your list! Thanks for sharing with us.

Lil Gretchy said...

Lovely list! I love warm blankets too!

Debbie said...

This is a great list!