Saturday, May 17, 2008

So much Fun at The Teen Rally

I am so excited. For the first time, I had the honor and privilege of serving at the teen rally. IT WAS A BLAST. The Lord has given me a new love for teenagers. This used to be a group of people that was very intimidating for me. The Lord is working on a lot of things in my life and one of them is that He is developing in me a LOVE for teenagers. The Lord has changed a lot of things around here on a daily basis. If someone would have told me a year ago that I would have any teens in my home on a regular basis I'm not sure that I would have believed them. I now have very special teens over all the time. I have really enjoyed having the teens girls at our church over and I can't wait until June because we are having a sleep over with all teen girls. I had a blast serving at the teen rally and I want to serve next year as well. There were four people saved and I know many decisions were made for the Lord today. Miss Debby you are great at hospitality and thank you so much for allowing me to help you. I HAD A BLAST!!!!! See you at the teen rally next year. Oh in case your wondering the theme was Building for the Future that is why all the hard hats and yellow vest ect. Enjoy the pictures (next post).


Kim said...

So glad you enjoyed yourself, the pics look great!

Donna said...

Thanks for taking the pictures. Thanks for helping out I'm glad you had fun.